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Grindon School Temporary CampMilecastle 36 (King s Hill)Coesike East Temporary CampKBGKBGRuins of granaries (horrea)Ruins of granaries (horrea)Ruins of granaries (horrea)Ruins of principia armoryHousesteads, BarracksRelief of Mars with two attendantsHousesteads, Altar to Germanic goddessesRuins of hospital at HousesteadsLatrinesHousesteads, Principia, chapelRelief of  DianaRuins of the south west cornerHousesteads, Altar dedicated to Silvanus Cocidus by Quintus Florius MaternusRuins of hospital at HousesteadsLatrinesStatue of NeptuneRelief of a Hamian archerWall to the north-eastHousesteads, Principia, chapelDish of BelicianusRuins of the south west cornerHousesteads, Altar to Jupiter by soldiers of II AugustaRuins of hospital at HousesteadsRelief to MarsHousesteads, Commander's house


  • Vereinigtes Königreich, Grindon
  • geo:55.02581,-2.306582
  • Lage ± 0-5 m.


  • Kastell
  • Sichtbar



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