
Wall to the north-eastLatrinesStatue of NeptuneHousesteads, Principia, chapelHousesteads, BarracksRuins of the south west cornerHousesteads, Altar to Jupiter by soldiers of II AugustaOverview of fort Housteads from westWall to the north-eastRelief to MarsHousesteads, Commander's houseRuins of the south gateRelief of  DianaRuins of the south west cornerHousesteads, Altar to Jupiter by the First Cohort of TungriansRelief of HerculesWall to the north-eastRelief to MarsHousesteads, Commander's houseRuins of the south gateDish of BelicianusHousesteads, Altar dedicated to MarsRuins of hospital at HousesteadsPillar with inscribed dedication to Mars ThincsusHousesteads, Commander's houseRuins of the south wallHousesteads, Main gateHousesteads, West gateHousesteads, Altar dedicated to Mars and VictoryRuins of hospital at Housesteads


  • Vereinigtes Königreich, Grindon
  • geo:55.01358,-2.330229
  • Lage ± 0-5 m.


  • Gebäude
  • Sichtbar


  • vici:place=17707


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