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Grindon School Temporary CampCoesike East Temporary CampMilecastle 36 (King s Hill)KBGKBGRuins of granaries (horrea)Ruins of granaries (horrea)Ruins of granaries (horrea)Housesteads, North gateHousesteads,Fragment of an Inscription (Latin)Ruins of principia armoryRuins of the south east towerHouse of a beneficarius consularisHousesteads north-east cornerLatrinesRuins of principia armoryHousesteads, BarracksRuins of the south east towerLead connectorHousesteads north-east cornerLatrinesRuins of principia armoryHousesteads, BarracksRuins of the south east towerHousesteads, Altar to Germanic goddessesLatrinesRuins of principia armoryHousesteads, BarracksRelief of Mars with two attendantsHousesteads, Altar to Germanic goddesses


  • Vereinigtes Königreich, Grindon
  • geo:55.026733,-2.300239
  • Lage ± 25-100 m.


  • Militärturm
  • Unsichtbar




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Grindon School Temporary Camp

Grindon School Temporary Camp