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Milecastle 36 (King s Hill)KBGKBGRuins of granaries (horrea)Ruins of granaries (horrea)Ruins of granaries (horrea)Ruins of turret 36bHousesteads, North gateHousesteads, West gateHousesteads, Altar to the VeteresRuins of hospital at HousesteadsStatue of the MatresRuins of principia armoryRuins of the south east towerHousesteads, North gateHousesteads,Fragment of an Inscription (Latin)Ruins of hospital at HousesteadsRuins of principia armoryRuins of the south east towerHouse of a beneficarius consularisHousesteads north-east cornerLatrinesHousesteads, BarracksRuins of principia armoryRuins of the south east towerLead connectorLatrinesHousesteads, BarracksRuins of principia armoryRuins of the south east tower


  • Vereinigtes Königreich, Grindon
  • geo:55.021751,-2.315842
  • Lage ± 25-100 m.


  • Militärturm
  • Unsichtbar




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