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Les environs:

Loom weightPaved roadWalled path towards the riverWall path in direction to the river NabãoPonte Romana na QuebradaTombstones found in Rio de Couros old church sitePonte do Casal VelhoPonte do Casal de BaixoPonte do AlgarãoPonte Romana da PóvoaCastro de Cera? Western defensive wallPanoramic viewBridge over ribeira da SoiandaCalçada da SoiandaIron age fort (Avecasta)Iron age fort (Avecasta)Medieval watchtowerTorre de Langalhão ou da MurtaPonte de CerasCeras bridgeCeras' bridgeCeras BridgeCeras water streamPonte de Vale FigueiraPonte de Vale da FigueiraPonte de Vale da FigueiraPonte de São SimãoRego da MurtaRibeiro Perro' s abandoned bridgePonte da Valada


  • Portugal, Porto Velho
  • geo:39.705452,-8.448968
  • Précision ± 0-5 m.

Period or year:

  • -100? / unknown


  • Camp fortifié
  • Visible


  • vici:place=86685


Il n'y a pas une annotation en français. Présenté est une annotation en Anglais.

Settlement with two lines of walls, probably from the Iron Age, and later romanized, located on the right bank of the Nabão river. Located on an elevation with good command of the landscape, it controls the entrance to the middle section of the Nabão river, and the passages to the west ensured by the valleys of the Olival, Caxarias and Sabacheira streams. At the foot of the hill, there are traces of coal mines that operated in the 20th century.


Settlement with two lines of walls, probably from the Iron Age, and later romanized, located on the right bank of the Nabão river. Located on an elevation with good command of the landscape, it controls the entrance to the middle section of the Nabão river, and the passages to the west ensured by the valleys of the Olival, Caxarias and Sabacheira streams. At the foot of the hill, there are traces of coal mines that operated in the 20th century.


À proximité

Porto Velho ("old ford")

Porto Velho ("old ford")

Vale de Rodas (Valley of wheel's) (2 km)

Medieval rural settlement