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Camphill FarmCat's ElbowOxhill PlantationLittle Swinburne Reservoir farmPity MeDunn CragsGunnerton Crag campsHigh Cowden CottageBarracksSlab with Inscription (Latin) from milecastle 38Model of fort CilurnumAltar recording the Hadrianic garrison, dedicated to DisciplineSlab dedicated to Jupiter DolichenusModel of fort CilurnumAltar to the goddess Fortune conservatrixstrongroomRuins of gate CilurnumDedication to Jupiter DolichenusRiver Tyne, northDedication to Antoninus PiusCarving of phallusDedication to Antoninus Pius by VI VictrixRuins of commandant's houseDedication recording restauration of ruined building by  Ala II AsturiansStatue of river godChesters diploma (copy)Chesters Roman fort barracksTombstone showing man on muleRuins of west gateChesters from west


  • Vereinigtes Königreich, Great Swinburn
  • geo:55.07991,-2.110914
  • Lage ± 0-5 m.

Period or year:

  • 5x / unknown


  • Werkstatt
  • Sichtbar


  • vici:place=92150


Relevante Museen

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In der Nähe

Camphill Farm

Romano-British farmstead, 750m east of Camphill Farm

Cat's Elbow

Romano-British farmstead, 120m south west of Cat's Elbow

Oxhill Plantation (1 km)

Univallate hillfort in Oxhill Plantation, 450m north-east of Great Swinburne