
Turret 43A (Cockmount Hill)Milecastle 44 (Allolee)Aesica AqueductKastellareal Aesica (Great Chesters)Tile with Inscription (Latin) Cohors II AsturumaesicaDetail of tile with Inscription (Latin) Cohors II AsturumaesicaaesicaMilecastle 43 FortTherme von Great-ChestersTurret 44A (Allolee West)Sunny Rigg Temporary CampsChesters Pike Temporary CampChesters Pike Temporary CampTurret 44bMarkham CottageBurnhead Temporary CampFell End Temporary CampRoman Wall at Walltown cragsRoman Wall at Walltown cragsWalltown crags turret 45A, explanationRoman Wall at Walltown cragsRoman Wall at Walltown cragsRoman Wall at Walltown cragsRoman Wall at Walltown cragsRoman Wall at Walltown cragsRoman Wall at Walltown cragsRoman Wall at Walltown cragsRoman Wall at Walltown crags


  • Vereinigtes Königreich, Haltwhistle
  • geo:54.995441,-2.478855
  • Lage ± 0-5 m.

Period or year:

  • 1xx / unknown


  • Meilenstein
  • Sichtbar


  • vici:place=80555


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In der Nähe

Turret 43B (Allolee East)

A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.

Turret 43A (Cockmount Hill)

A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.

Hadrians Wall, Segment XI

Hadrians Wall, Segment XI