Les environs:

Teimioussa - TristomosSmall Hellenistic Fort.Teimiussa - Trismestos, NecropolisLycian Tomb, SimenaSmall theatreSimena - KalekoySimena - KalekoyLycian Necropolis, Simena - KekovaBaths remains.Tyberissus/Tyberissos Lycian NecropolisDolichisteBatık Şehir/ Dolichiste/Kekova PortLycian Tomb, IstaldaRock Graves of HoyranRock cut tombs east ( 36.24566, 29.81753 )Cyaneae - TombesCistern.Vault contructionEarly Hellenistic tower. (Acropolis area)Theatre of CyaneaeRoman BridgeApollonia Necropolis.Apollonia Necropolis.Kilincli Theatre - ApolloniaApollonia Basilica


  • Turquie, Kaleüçağız
  • geo:36.197067,29.849754
  • Précision ± 25-100 m.


  • Tombeau ou tombes
  • Visible


  • vici:place=29962


Il n'y a pas une annotation en français. Présenté est une annotation en Anglais.


Lycian inscription names the owner:  Kluwanimi, most likely a local nobleman, who lived in earlier part of the IV century BC1.

George E. Bean, Lycian Turkey: An Archaeological Guide, London John Murray Publishers Ltd 1989, p. 115-116


  1. George E. Bean, Lycian Turkey: An Archaeological Guide, London John Murray Publishers Ltd 1989, p. 116


Lycian inscription names the owner:  Kluwanimi, most likely a local nobleman, who lived in earlier part of the IV century BC1.

George E. Bean, Lycian Turkey: An Archaeological Guide, London John Murray Publishers Ltd 1989, p. 115-116


  1. George E. Bean, Lycian Turkey: An Archaeological Guide, London John Murray Publishers Ltd 1989, p. 116

À proximité

Teimioussa - Tristomos

Ancient Lycian city.Üçağız

Teimiussa - Trismestos

Teimioussa, Üçağız Vilage. Lycian necropolis


Ancient port