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Temple of Portunus in the Forum BoariumTemple of Portunus in the Forum BoariumPons Aemilius, the oldest Roman bridge in RomeTemple of Hercules Victor in the Forum BoariumTemple of HerculesTiber model of Roman BigaCloaca maximaArea sacra di San OmobonoArea sacra di San OmobonoJuno SospitaRemains of the temple of SpesThe so-called Arch of JanusJanusbogenArch of the BankersArch of the BankersPons Fabricius (Ponte dei Quattro Capi)Pons Fabricius, inscriptionPons CestiusTheatre of MarcellusTheatre of MarcellusTemple of Apollo Medicus SosianusTemple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, PodiumTemple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, PodiumTempio di Bellona (Roma)Porticus OctaviaeLatomie CapitolineCybele StatueAltar CybeleTemple of CybeleRomulean Buildings


  • Italien, Rome
  • geo:41.88953,12.480187
  • Lage ± 0-5 m.

Period or year:

  • -1x / unknown


  • Gebäude
  • Sichtbar


  • vici:place=70749


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Remnants of a marble arch with an inscription (CIL VI 878) recording that Augustus rebuilt it (refecit) as Pontifex Maximus, thus after his appointment in 12 B.C., were found in the 14th c. at the piazza in front of the Ponte S. Maria, the ancient *Pons Aemilius

Remnants of a marble arch with an inscription (CIL VI 878) recording that Augustus rebuilt it (refecit) as Pontifex Maximus, thus after his appointment in 12 B.C., were found in the 14th c. at the piazza in front of the Ponte S. Maria, the ancient *Pons Aemilius

Relevante Museen

Ara Pacis Museum

Ara Pacis Museum

Rome, Vatican Museums

Rome, Vatican Museums

Rome, Museo nazionale della civiltà romana

Rome, Museo nazionale della civiltà romana

Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek

Collection of ancient manuscripts, including papyri, ostraca, and the Peutinger Map

Paris, Louvre

Paris, Louvre

Prefectural Museum of Antiquities (Rouen)

Prefectural Museum of Antiquities (Rouen)

In der Nähe

Temple of Portunus

Temple of Portunus

Pons Aemilius

Pons Aemilius

Temple of Hercules Victor

Temple of Hercules Victor