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Qasr al BintInscription dedicated to Marcus AureliusNabatean textile fragmentHeadSundial with an Aramaic inscriptionSundial with an Aramaic inscriptionQasr Al FaridHegra, Qasr Al Saneh TombLate Neolithic-Chalcolithic tomb


  • Saudi-Arabien, Madā’in Şāliḩ
  • geo:26.792786,37.95927
  • Lage ± 5-25 m.

Period or year:

  • 5 / unknown


  • Gräber oder Grabstätte
  • Sichtbar


  • vici:place=70252


Es gibt noch keine deutschsprachige Anmerkungen. Präsentiert wirden Anmerkungen auf English.

Tomb IX at Jebel al Mahjar complex has two inscriptions (one on the facade and the other inside. It contains 53 burial niches. According to the facade inscription that tomb was built for Hawshab ibn Nafi, a Taymanite (i.e. from Tayma) and his family in the 13th year of the reign of King Aretas IV ( i.e. 5 AD). The facade inscriptions gives a  warnig of punishment for everyone who would like to sell, use or buy the tomb.


  1. Meda'in Saleh - Tomb Database,

Tomb IX at Jebel al Mahjar complex has two inscriptions (one on the facade and the other inside. It contains 53 burial niches. According to the facade inscription that tomb was built for Hawshab ibn Nafi, a Taymanite (i.e. from Tayma) and his family in the 13th year of the reign of King Aretas IV ( i.e. 5 AD). The facade inscriptions gives a  warnig of punishment for everyone who would like to sell, use or buy the tomb.


  1. Meda'in Saleh - Tomb Database,

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