Les environs:

VicusHousesteads, Commander's houseLatrinesHousesteads, Principia, chapelRuins of the south west cornerHouse of a beneficarius consularisWall to the north-eastLatrinesHousesteads, Principia, chapelRuins of the south west cornerLead connectorRuins of hospital at HousesteadsWall to the north-eastLatrinesRuins of the south gateRuins of the south west cornerHousesteads, Altar dedicated to Silvanus Cocidus by Quintus Florius MaternusRuins of hospital at HousesteadsWall to the north-eastLatrinesHousesteads, Commander's houseRuins of the south gateHousesteads, Altar to Jupiter by soldiers of II AugustaRuins of hospital at HousesteadsRelief to MarsHousesteads, Commander's houseRuins of the south wallHousesteads, West gateHousesteads, Altar to Jupiter by the First Cohort of TungriansRuins of hospital at Housesteads


  • Royaume-Uni, Grindon
  • geo:55.011982,-2.331676
  • Précision ± 0-5 m.


  • Musée
  • Visible


  • vici:place=1545


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Housesteads Roman Fort Museum



Housesteads Roman Fort Museum


Housesteads Roman Fort Museum



Housesteads Roman Fort Museum


À proximité

Housesteads Vicus

Housesteads Vicus


Vercovicium, now known as Housesteads Roman Fort, was an auxiliary fort on Hadrian's Wall.

Housesteads Horrea

Housesteads Horrea