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Aqueduct van BarbegalAqueduct BarbegalArles, Remains of aqueductAqueduc Romain près de FontvieilleBarbegal MillModel of the watermill of BarbegalMoulins BarbegalBarbegal millRoman RoadThe sole remaining pier of the bridge over the Vallée des Baux.Votive stones devoted to HerculesGlanum, Stele dedicated to HerculesGlanum, Temple, probably dedicated to Caius and Lucius, grandsons of Augustus.Glanum, Temple, probably dedicated to Caius and Lucius, grandsons of Augustus.Vue du GlanumGlanum, Remains of council houseGlanum, Remains of senat buildingGlanum, Sacred poolSite de Glanum NordGlanum, House with antaeGlanum, Remains of the forumGlanum, Remains of the forumGlanum, Relief on mausoleum, east sideGlanum, Triumph arch and mausoleumGlanum, Relief on mausoleum, north sideMausolee GlanumGlanum, Relief on mausoleum, south sideGlanum, Relief on mausoleum, west sideGlanum, View on the tower-shaped mausoleumGlanum, Mausoleum


  • Frankreich, Fontvieille
  • geo:43.735722,4.742367
  • Lage ± 25-100 m.


  • Meilenstein
  • Unsichtbar


  • vici:place=9305


In der Nähe


Château d'Estoublon, Fontvieille

Ornières dans la roche (2 km)

Ornières dans la roche