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Les environs:



  • Égypte, ‘Izbat Ḩasan Qāsim
  • geo:30.900881,30.592588
  • Précision ± 0-5 m.

Period or year:

  • -550~ / unknown


  • Sanctuaire
  • Visible


  • vici:place=84984


Il n'y a pas une annotation en français. Présenté est une annotation en Anglais.

Herodotus: Amasis became a philhellene, and besides other services which he did for some of the Greeks, he gave those who came to Egypt the city of Naucratis to live in; and to those who travelled to the country without wanting to settle there, he gave lands where they might set up altars and make holy places for their gods. Of these the greatest and most famous and most visited precinct is that which is called the Hellenion, founded jointly by the Ionian cities of Chios, Teos, Phocaea, and Clazomenae, the Dorian cities of Rhodes, Cnidus, Halicarnassus, and Phaselis, and one Aeolian city, Mytilene.  It is to these that the precinct belongs, and these are the cities that furnish overseers of the trading port; if any other cities advance claims, they claim what does not belong to them. The Aeginetans made a precinct of their own, sacred to Zeus; and so did the Samians for Hera and the Milesians for Apollo.



  1. Herodotus, The Histories, A. D. Godley, Ed., II.187  []
  2. Shaaban, Hany & El-Qady, Gad & Al-Sayed, El-Said & Khozym, Ashraf & Al-Emam, Ahmed & Ghazala, Hosni. (2014). Archaeo-Geophysical Survey around Itay El-Baroud Area, Nile Delta, Egypt. Archaeological Discovery. 2. 45-57. 10.4236/ad.2014.23006.

Herodotus: Amasis became a philhellene, and besides other services which he did for some of the Greeks, he gave those who came to Egypt the city of Naucratis to live in; and to those who travelled to the country without wanting to settle there, he gave lands where they might set up altars and make holy places for their gods. Of these the greatest and most famous and most visited precinct is that which is called the Hellenion, founded jointly by the Ionian cities of Chios, Teos, Phocaea, and Clazomenae, the Dorian cities of Rhodes, Cnidus, Halicarnassus, and Phaselis, and one Aeolian city, Mytilene.  It is to these that the precinct belongs, and these are the cities that furnish overseers of the trading port; if any other cities advance claims, they claim what does not belong to them. The Aeginetans made a precinct of their own, sacred to Zeus; and so did the Samians for Hera and the Milesians for Apollo.



  1. Herodotus, The Histories, A. D. Godley, Ed., II.187  []
  2. Shaaban, Hany & El-Qady, Gad & Al-Sayed, El-Said & Khozym, Ashraf & Al-Emam, Ahmed & Ghazala, Hosni. (2014). Archaeo-Geophysical Survey around Itay El-Baroud Area, Nile Delta, Egypt. Archaeological Discovery. 2. 45-57. 10.4236/ad.2014.23006.

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