Les environs:

Aqueduct of LutetiaAqueduct of LutetiaLutetia, Orchestra in amphitheaterRoman Arena in ParisLutetia, Orchestra in amphitheaterLutetia, Orchestra in amphitheaterLutetia, Seats in amphitheaterLutetia, Entrance of amphitheaterParis, Portal of the Notre Dame with ste GenevièveLutetia, Pillar of the boatsman, inscriptionParis, Portal of the Notre Dame with ste NicholasLutetia, Relief with bullsacrifice bull mus clunyLutetia, Frigidarium of the Roman thermal bathsLutetia, Sarcophagus lion headsLutetia, Priest of SerapisLutetia, Statue of bacchus si-iii mus clunyLutetia, Head of priest of SerapisLutetia, ModelLutetia, Priest of SerapisLutetia, Pillar of the boatsmanLutetia, Priest of SerapisLutetia, Pillar of the boatsmanLutetia, Head of priest of Serapis in profileLutetia, Pillar of the boatsmanLutetia, Roman termal bathLutetia, Pillar of the boatsmanLutetia, Frigidarium of the Roman thermal bathsLutetia, Pillar of the boatsmanLutetia, Priest of SerapisLutetia, Pillar of the boatsman


  • France, Gentilly
  • geo:48.826221,2.338092
  • Précision ± 0-5 m.

Period or year:

  • 1xx / unknown


  • Aqueduc
  • Visible


  • vici:place=84421


Musées associés

Museum Cluny

Museum Cluny

Archäologishces Museum Zagreb

Archäologishces Museum Zagreb

À proximité

Aqueduct of Lutetia

Aqueduct of Lutetia

Aqueduct of Lutetia

Aqueduct of Lutetia

Aqueduct of Lutetia

Aqueduct of Lutetia