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  • Grèce, Rafína
  • geo:38.009197,24.023581
  • Précision ± 0-5 m.

Period or year:

  • -2650~ / unknown


  • Habitat rural
  • Visible


  • vici:place=81268


Il n'y a pas une annotation en français. Présenté est une annotation en Anglais.

Askitario was a fortified proto-urban  (early Helladic II) settlement in coastal region of Attica..


  1.  A. Milchhoefer, explanatory text, in: E. Curtius, J. A. Kaupert (ed.), Karten von Attika 3-6, 1889,
  2. John S. Traill: The political organization of Attica: a study of the demes, trittyes, and phylai, and their representation in the Athenian Council,“Attica”. Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA), 1975
  3. John S. Traill: Demos and trittys. Epigraphical and topographical studies in the organization of Attica. Athenians Victoria College, Toronto 1986, p. 128

Askitario was a fortified proto-urban  (early Helladic II) settlement in coastal region of Attica..


  1.  A. Milchhoefer, explanatory text, in: E. Curtius, J. A. Kaupert (ed.), Karten von Attika 3-6, 1889,
  2. John S. Traill: The political organization of Attica: a study of the demes, trittyes, and phylai, and their representation in the Athenian Council,“Attica”. Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA), 1975
  3. John S. Traill: Demos and trittys. Epigraphical and topographical studies in the organization of Attica. Athenians Victoria College, Toronto 1986, p. 128

À proximité

Raphina (2 km)


Etosi (5 km)


Zagani (6 km)

Early Helladic hillfort.