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Les environs:

Berberini Façade. Phrygian inscription.Yapildak TumulusAlaçan Rock IdolGerdek Rock Tomb, TurkeyBahşayiş Facade


  • Turquie, Kümbet
  • geo:39.219463,30.606745
  • Précision incertaine

Period or year:

  • -3xx~


  • Tombeau ou tombes
  • Visible


  • vici:place=77052


Il n'y a pas une annotation en français. Présenté est une annotation en Anglais.

Deliklikaya I located 750-850 m. north of Kümbet village. It is a chamber tomb on a seperate rock cliff amongst the graves of the the Roman necropolis1. The chamcer cotains two rock beds inside on the right and left site. It was reused later during the Roman Period. Then has been added a third kline.


  1. R. Eser Kortanoğlu, Notes on Façade Architecture and Ornamental Elements on Monumental Rock - cut Tombs in Highland of Phrygia in Hellenistic and Roman Imperial Periods. TÜBA-AR 19, 2016, pp. 243-267.


  1. Haspels dates chamber tombs irst carving to “Phryg” period, she states the façade architecture dated to Roman Imperial period

Deliklikaya I located 750-850 m. north of Kümbet village. It is a chamber tomb on a seperate rock cliff amongst the graves of the the Roman necropolis1. The chamcer cotains two rock beds inside on the right and left site. It was reused later during the Roman Period. Then has been added a third kline.


  1. R. Eser Kortanoğlu, Notes on Façade Architecture and Ornamental Elements on Monumental Rock - cut Tombs in Highland of Phrygia in Hellenistic and Roman Imperial Periods. TÜBA-AR 19, 2016, pp. 243-267.


  1. Haspels dates chamber tombs irst carving to “Phryg” period, she states the façade architecture dated to Roman Imperial period

À proximité

Berberini Façade

Berberini Anıtı

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Phrygian small fortress. Wachtower?