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inscription digamma inversumRemains of Neronian BridgeColumns from the Theatre of PompeyPasquinoPonte St. Angelostade de Domitien (Via di tor sanguigna)stade de Domitien (Ecole française de Rome)stade de Domitien (Ecole française de Rome)Stadium DomitanusMinotaurus, Stadium of DomitianusStadium of Domitianstade de Domitien (Via di tor sanguigna)stade de Domitien (Via di tor sanguigna)Mausoleum of HadrianMausoleum of HadrianHeraclesColumns from the Theatre of PompeyTheater of Pompeiusabbate luigiThe Death of Julius CaesarBasilica di NettunoPantheon, facadePantheon FrontMaquette PantheonThermae AgrippaeLargo di Torre Argentina, Temple AAedes Fortuna Huiusce Diei, RomaLargo Argentina Station AquarumLargo Argentina Station Aquarum


  • Italië, Vatican City
  • geo:41.897358,12.466618
  • Locatie ± 5-25 m.

Period or year:

  • -7xx / unknown


  • Theater of amfitheater
  • Niet zichtbaar


  • vici:place=70674


Er zijn nog geen Nederlandstalige annotaties. Hier volgen annotaties in het Engels.

Horseracing track (Philox., CGL 2.201) located in the West of Campus Martius. The term ‘trigarium’ is generally interpreted as the racing track for chariots drawn by three horses (trigae), an event held only in Archaic times (Dion. Hal., Ant. Rom. 7.73.2). Nonetheless, there could have been a revival of these races in the Imperial period (Coarelli, LTUR 89). The Trigarium served as the temporary racetrack (circus temporalis) of the ludi Saeculares (Pighi 1965, 118, 167) to host horse races (Coarelli 1977, 839); it not only shared a topographical contiguity with the Tarentum but also a typological association (Zos. 2.2.3). Perhaps other ceremonies of archaic character and involving horse races, such as the Equirria and the October equus, were held in the Trigarium (Coarelli LTUR 89).

Horseracing track (Philox., CGL 2.201) located in the West of Campus Martius. The term ‘trigarium’ is generally interpreted as the racing track for chariots drawn by three horses (trigae), an event held only in Archaic times (Dion. Hal., Ant. Rom. 7.73.2). Nonetheless, there could have been a revival of these races in the Imperial period (Coarelli, LTUR 89). The Trigarium served as the temporary racetrack (circus temporalis) of the ludi Saeculares (Pighi 1965, 118, 167) to host horse races (Coarelli 1977, 839); it not only shared a topographical contiguity with the Tarentum but also a typological association (Zos. 2.2.3). Perhaps other ceremonies of archaic character and involving horse races, such as the Equirria and the October equus, were held in the Trigarium (Coarelli LTUR 89).

Relevante musea

Ara Pacis Museum

Ara Pacis Museum

Rome, Vatican Museums

Rome, Vatican Museums

Rome, Museo nazionale della civiltà romana

Rome, Museo nazionale della civiltà romana

Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek

Collection of ancient manuscripts, including papyri, ostraca, and the Peutinger Map

Paris, Louvre

Paris, Louvre

Prefectural Museum of Antiquities (Rouen)

Prefectural Museum of Antiquities (Rouen)

In de buurt

Via Thrumhalis

Via Thrumhalis

inscription dans le mur (avec digamma inversum)

Inscription du pomérium (Claude) digamma inversum


The Navalia was a military port of Ancient Rome which may also have included a naval dockyard. It is thought to have been sited on the left bank of the river Tiber.

Dit object is toegevoegd door Ludwinski op 2021-06-26. Laatst bewerkt door Ludwinski op 2021-06-26. Persistent URI: . Download als RDF/XML, GeoJSON, KML.
Annotatie beschikbaar onder de Creative Commons Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen 3.0 Unported-licentie. Metadata beschikbaar onder de Creative Commons Publiek Domein Verklaring, tenzij expliciet anders aangegeven. partners: articles on ancient history   Rijksmuseum van Oudheden