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Grafmonument Gneo Pompeo EufrosinoAncient Greek Gate of Neapolis (Porta Furcillensis)TowerDomus (Complex of Carminiello ai Mannesi) robmortlogoutComplex af ancient buildings beneath San LorenzoColonne Dioscuri NapoliCavea del teatro romano di NeapolisTheatreBase of the templeArchitectural fragments from the templeAccess staircaseAmbulacrumFloor of the ambulacrumBack wall of the porticoAncient Greek Walls of NeapolisGreek wallsAncient Greek Walls of NeapolisGreek City WallsAncient Greek Walls of NeapolisAqua Augusta ArchesRoman Thermal bathsRoman Thermal bathssan gaudiosoport areaCatacombe di San GennaroCatacombe di San GennaroCatacombe di San GennaroCatacombe di San GennaroPonti RossiRoman Bridge


  • Italien, Naples
  • geo:40.852821,14.263069
  • Lage ± 0-5 m.

Period or year:

  • -4xx / unknown


  • Gebäude
  • Sichtbar


  • vici:place=70167


In der Nähe

Roman City Walls

Ancient Roman city walls

Grafmonument Gneo Pompeo Eufrosino

Grafmonument Gneo Pompeo Eufrosino en zijn vrouw Iunia Gemella