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Les environs:

Brauron templeBrauron sacred wellstoa of BravronBrauron roomsBrauron bridgethe Vravrona tower


  • Grèce, Poriá
  • geo:37.923512,23.994812
  • Précision ± 0-5 m.

Period or year:

  • -3500~ / unknown


  • Ville
  • Visible


  • vici:place=69818


Il n'y a pas une annotation en français. Présenté est une annotation en Anglais.

Ancient Brauron  is modern Vravrona in Attica. Brauron was famous of Arkteia festival celebrated every four years in honour of Artemis Brauronia.

Demosthenes: Brauron was a district on the eastern coast of Attica, where there was a famous shrine of Artemis. It was to this point that Orestes and Iphigeneia were said to have brought the statue of Artemis from the land of the Taurians. The facts regarding the case alluded to are unknown1.

Strabo: Another river of the same name flows out of Arcadia to the coast near Buras. There is another Erasinus also in Eretria, and one in Attica near Brauron2.


  1. Demosthenes with an English translation by Norman W. DeWitt, Ph.D., and Norman J. DeWitt, Ph.D. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1949.
  2. Strabo. Geographica. VIII.
  3. John J. Coulton, BRAURON (Vraona) Attica, Greece, in: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites. Stillwell, Richard. MacDonald, William L. McAlister, Marian Holland. Princeton, N.J. Princeton University Press. 1976.
  5. Arthur Milchhoefer: Brauron. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE). Band III,1, Stuttgart 1897, Sp. 822–824.


  1. Demosthenes, Against Conon
  2. Strabo, VIII. 9

Ancient Brauron  is modern Vravrona in Attica. Brauron was famous of Arkteia festival celebrated every four years in honour of Artemis Brauronia.

Demosthenes: Brauron was a district on the eastern coast of Attica, where there was a famous shrine of Artemis. It was to this point that Orestes and Iphigeneia were said to have brought the statue of Artemis from the land of the Taurians. The facts regarding the case alluded to are unknown1.

Strabo: Another river of the same name flows out of Arcadia to the coast near Buras. There is another Erasinus also in Eretria, and one in Attica near Brauron2.


  1. Demosthenes with an English translation by Norman W. DeWitt, Ph.D., and Norman J. DeWitt, Ph.D. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1949.
  2. Strabo. Geographica. VIII.
  3. John J. Coulton, BRAURON (Vraona) Attica, Greece, in: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites. Stillwell, Richard. MacDonald, William L. McAlister, Marian Holland. Princeton, N.J. Princeton University Press. 1976.
  5. Arthur Milchhoefer: Brauron. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (RE). Band III,1, Stuttgart 1897, Sp. 822–824.


  1. Demosthenes, Against Conon
  2. Strabo, VIII. 9

À proximité

Brauron, Tomb of Iphigeneia

Memorial of Iphigeneia.