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Les environs:

Khirbet Tezin, West portalBaqirha, Baptistery of the West ChurchBaqirha 2020Babisqa / BabiskaPlan of BabisqaBamukka, church and baptisteryBamukka, GraveBashmishliSergibleh, ChapelSyriac inscription from baptistery of DehesDehes, East Church. Portal in South wallByzantine chapel near BanakfurSarmada castleKhirbet HasanRoman tomb of AlexandrasHorse with saddle, Amuq Valley, Cüdeyde Tell


  • Turquie, Cilvegöz
  • geo:36.223705,36.659798
  • Précision ± 100-500 m.

Period or year:

  • 300~ / unknown


  • Habitat rural
  • Visible


  • vici:place=69629


Il n'y a pas une annotation en français. Présenté est une annotation en Anglais.


  1. Howard Crosby Butler: Early Churches in Syria. Fourth to Seventh Centuries. Princeton University Press, Princeton 1929, pp. 139-141
  2. idem eds., Publications of an American Archaeological Expedition to Syria in 1899 - 1900 (Band 2): Architecture and other arts — New York, 1903
  3. Oleg Grabar, Reneta Holod, James Knustad, William Trousdale, City in the Desert, Harvard CMES, 1978,


  1. Howard Crosby Butler: Early Churches in Syria. Fourth to Seventh Centuries. Princeton University Press, Princeton 1929, pp. 139-141
  2. idem eds., Publications of an American Archaeological Expedition to Syria in 1899 - 1900 (Band 2): Architecture and other arts — New York, 1903
  3. Oleg Grabar, Reneta Holod, James Knustad, William Trousdale, City in the Desert, Harvard CMES, 1978,

À proximité

Khirbet Tezin

Sixth century church in North Syria.

Kasr Iblisu, West Church

Fifth century church.

Kasr Iblisu

Byzantine village.