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Arcosolium in catacombe di DomitillaMilestone 1Porta San SebastianoPorta San SebastianoThe so-called Arch of DrususPorta ArdeatinaNymphaeum of EgeriaCircus of Maxentius, the towers and starting gatesCircus of Maxentius, the spinaMausoleum of Caecilia MetellaFunerary inscription on the Mausoleum of Caecilia MetellaTomb of the scipiosSarcophagus L. Cornelius Scipioporta latinaMaxentian CisternBaths of Herodes Atticus (Capo di Bove), Via AppiaBaths of Herodes Atticus (Capo di Bove)Torre di Capo di Bove (towerlike tomb)Terme Caracalla RomaThermae Caracallae MosaicThermae Caracallae MosaicCaserma romanaCaserma romanaLa domus del comandanteLa domus del comandanteLa domus del comandanteLa domus del comandanteLa domus del comandanteLa domus del comandanteLa domus del comandante


  • Italy, Rome
  • geo:41.86158,12.505933
  • Location ± 0-5 m.

Period or year:

  • 2xx / unknown


  • Grave or burial field
  • visible


  • vici:place=58745


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Rome, Vatican Museums

Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek

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This object was added by Ludwinski on 2018-12-28. Last update by Ludwinski on 2018-12-28. Persistent URI: . Download as RDF/XML, GeoJSON, KML.
Annotation available using the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. Metadata available using the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication, unless it is explicitly stated otherwise. partners: articles on ancient history   Rijksmuseum van Oudheden