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Arcosolium in catacombe di DomitillaNymphaeum of EgeriaCircus of Maxentius, the towers and starting gatesCircus of Maxentius, the spinaMilestone 1Mausoleum of Caecilia MetellaFunerary inscription on the Mausoleum of Caecilia MetellaPorta San SebastianoPorta San SebastianoMaxentian CisternThe so-called Arch of DrususPorta Ardeatinaporta latinaSarcophagus L. Cornelius ScipioTomb of the scipiosBaths of Herodes Atticus (Capo di Bove), Via AppiaBaths of Herodes Atticus (Capo di Bove)Torre di Capo di Bove (towerlike tomb)Thermae Caracallae MosaicThermae Caracallae MosaicTerme Caracalla RomaCaserma romanaCaserma romanaLa domus del comandanteLa domus del comandanteLa domus del comandanteLa domus del comandanteLa domus del comandanteLa domus del comandanteLa domus del comandante


  • Italien, Rome
  • geo:41.861103,12.508999
  • Lage ± 0-5 m.

Period or year:

  • 1xx / unknown


  • Gräber oder Grabstätte
  • Sichtbar


  • vici:place=58468


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Rome, Museo nazionale della civiltà romana

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Ara Pacis Museum

Rome, Vatican Museums

Rome, Vatican Museums

Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek

Collection of ancient manuscripts, including papyri, ostraca, and the Peutinger Map

Paris, Louvre

Paris, Louvre

Prefectural Museum of Antiquities (Rouen)

Prefectural Museum of Antiquities (Rouen)

In der Nähe

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St. Mark's Basilica, Rome

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