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Les environs:

Meroe, Northern necropolis, Pyramid 19Meroe, Northern necropolis, Pyramid 19Meroe, Northern necropolis, Pyramid 19Meroe, Northern necropolis, Pyramid 19Meroe, Pyramid XIXMeroe, Northern necropolis, Pyramid 19Meroe, Northern necropolis, Pyramid 19Meroe, Pyramid XXVIMeroe, Northern necropolis, Pyramid 11, Relief of queen ShanakdakhetoMeroe, Northern necropolis, Pyramid 11, Relief of queen ShanakdakhetoMeroe, Northern necropolis, Pyramid 11, ReliefMeroe, Northern necropolis, Pyramid 11, ReliefMeroe, Northern necropolis, Pyramid 11Meroe, Northern necropolis, Pyramid 11Meroe, Northern necropolis, Pyramid 11, FaçadeMeroe, Pyramid XIMeroe, Northern necropolis, Pyramid 11, Relief with cattleMeroe, Northern necropolis, Pyramid 11, ReliefMeroe, Northern necropolis, Pyramid 11, Inner gateJewelry from the Pyramid of queen Amani-ShakhetoMeroe, Pyramid XIIIMeroe, Pyramid IIMeroë - pyramidsMeroe, Northern necropolisMeroe, Northern necropolisMeroe, Northern necropolisMeroe, Northern necropolis, ReliefMeroe, Northern necropolis, InscriptionMeroe, Northern necropolisMeroe, Tomb of Amani-Shakheto, Cup


  • Soudan, Hillat ed Darqab
  • geo:16.938133,33.749458
  • Précision ± 0-5 m.

Period or year:

  • -300~ / 300~


  • Tombeau ou tombes
  • Visible


  • vici:place=55709


Il n'y a pas une annotation en français. Présenté est une annotation en Néerlandais.

Meroe, Pyramid XXX

Meroe, Pyramid XXX

Musées associés

München, Staatliches Museum Ägyptischer Kunst

München, Staatliches Museum Ägyptischer Kunst

À proximité

Meroe, Pyramid XXIX

Meroe, Pyramid XXIX

Meroe, Pyramid XXXII

Meroe, Pyramid XXXII

Meroe, Pyramid XIX

Meroe, Pyramid XIX