
Gadara, Remains of bathsGadara, Roman east-west mainstreet (decumanus), remains of bathsGadara, Roman east-west mainstreet (decumanus), remains of bathsGadara, Baths of Herakleides, Headless statue of a young peasantGadara, Baths of Herakleides, Headless statue of a young peasantGadara, Baths of Herakleides, Headless statue of a young peasantGadara, Baths of Herakleides, Headless statue of a young peasantGadara, Roman north-south mainstreet (cardo)Gadara, Roman north-south mainstreet (cardo)Gadara, Roman north-south mainstreet (cardo) with shopsGadara, Roman north-south mainstreet (cardo) with shopsGadara, Roman north-south mainstreet (cardo) with shopsGadara, Roman north-south mainstreet (cardo) with shopsGadara, Roman north-south mainstreet (cardo) with shopsGadara, Roman north-south mainstreet (cardo) with shopsGadara, Roman north-south mainstreet (cardo) with shopsTo the Gadara Large TheatreTo the theatre.To the theatre.The West Theatre in GadaraThe West Theatre in GadaraThe West Theatre in GadaraGadara West TheaterThe West Theatre in GadaraGadara West TheaterThe West Theatre in GadaraGadara, Nymphaeum, Decorated friezeGadara, Nymphaeum, FriezeGadara, Nymphaeum, ColumnWalls of  the Nymphaeum


  • Jordanien, Umm Qays
  • geo:32.656788,35.675278
  • Lage ± 0-5 m.

Period or year:

  • 1~ / unknown


  • Römerstraße
  • Sichtbar


  • vici:place=55169


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Gadara, Decumanus

Gadara, Decumanus

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