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Les environs:

Karkemis South GateA Stele by Suhi I from KarkemishKarkemis, Suhi I SteleYunus Stele (Karkemish)


  • Syrie, Jarābulus
  • geo:36.790043,38.021149
  • Précision ± 0-5 m.

Period or year:

  • -4500 / unknown


  • Habitat rural
  • Visible


  • vici:place=51307


Il n'y a pas une annotation en français. Présenté est une annotation en Anglais.

Tell Jerablus Tahtani yielded local Late Chalcolithic domestic occupation.


  1. Jerablus Tahtani Project, Syria-
  2. T.J. Wilkinson, E. Peltenburg, A. McCarthy, E. B. Wilkinson & M. Brown: Archaeology in the land of Carchemish: landscape surveys in the area of Jerablus Tahtani, 2006, in: Levant. The Journal of the Council for British Research in the Levant Volume 39, 2007, pp. 214-247
  4. Edgar Peltenburg, Tell Jerablus Tahtani, Syria, I: Mortuary Practices at an Early Bronze Age Fort on the Euphrates River, Levant Supplementary series 17, Oxford: Havertown, 2015

Tell Jerablus Tahtani yielded local Late Chalcolithic domestic occupation.


  1. Jerablus Tahtani Project, Syria-
  2. T.J. Wilkinson, E. Peltenburg, A. McCarthy, E. B. Wilkinson & M. Brown: Archaeology in the land of Carchemish: landscape surveys in the area of Jerablus Tahtani, 2006, in: Levant. The Journal of the Council for British Research in the Levant Volume 39, 2007, pp. 214-247
  4. Edgar Peltenburg, Tell Jerablus Tahtani, Syria, I: Mortuary Practices at an Early Bronze Age Fort on the Euphrates River, Levant Supplementary series 17, Oxford: Havertown, 2015

À proximité

Tell Jerablus Tahtani

Chalcolithic remains. Jarablus Tathani.

Tell Shiyukh Fawqani (Burmarin) (1 km)

Tell Shiyukh Fawqani. Syria.

Tell Shiukh Fawqani (1 km)

Tell Shiukh Fawqâni necropolis in North Syria.