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Constantinople, Monastery of St John of StudiusConstantinople, Monastery of St John of Studius [Stoudios]The Golden GateRemains of the base of the Arcadius column.Capital, Column of MarcianColumn of Marcian, ConstantinopleColumn of Marcian, ConstantinoplePedestal, Column of of MarcianPedestal, Column of of MarcianPedestal, Column of of MarcianColumn of MarcianConstantinople, St Polyeuktos churchChurch of St PolyeuktosValens AqueductValens AqueductValens AqueductCistern of AetiusCistern of AetiusConstantinople, Kalenderhane ThermaeForum of TheodosiusArch of TheodosiusForum of TheodosiusArch of TheodosiusForum of TheodosiusArch of TheodosiusForum of TheodosiusArch of TheodosiusCistern of AsparCistern of AsparCistern of Aspar


  • Türkei, Istanbul
  • geo:41.003399,28.9286
  • Lage ± 0-5 m.

Period or year:

  • 410~ / unknown


  • Heiligtum
  • Sichtbar


  • vici:place=46941


Es gibt noch keine deutschsprachige Anmerkungen. Präsentiert wirden Anmerkungen auf English.

The church of Saint Andrew in Krisei was erected in the sixth century.


  1.  Raymond Janin, La géographie ecclésiastique de l'Empire byzantin: 1. partie: Le siège de Constantinople et le patriarcat oecuménique, Tome III. Les eglises et les Monastères, Paris: Institut français d'études byzantines, 1953
  2. David Hendrix, The Byzantine Legacy, 2016 -

The church of Saint Andrew in Krisei was erected in the sixth century.


  1.  Raymond Janin, La géographie ecclésiastique de l'Empire byzantin: 1. partie: Le siège de Constantinople et le patriarcat oecuménique, Tome III. Les eglises et les Monastères, Paris: Institut français d'études byzantines, 1953
  2. David Hendrix, The Byzantine Legacy, 2016 -

In der Nähe

Martyrium of SS. Carpus and Papylus, Constantiople

Remains of the IV/Vth century underneath the recent Greek Church of Hagios Menas in Samatya quarter of İstanbul

Constantinople, Carpus and papylus Martyrion

The fourth or fifth century martyrion.

Ayanikol Greek Church

Ayanikol Greek Church