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Maraş Merchant`s SteleFunerary Stele of Tarhupiya.Maraş Stele, Mağralı ReliefGermanicia Ancient City MoozasicStele of Laramas IStele of Laramas I - Maraş VIIIStatue of Asatiwasus, Maraş, ca 800 BCStatue of Halparuntiya IILion of MaraşMaraş stele from Metropolitan Museum of ArtMaraş stele. Neo-Hittite releif of Storm God.Stele Maraş XIIMaraş Stele, Stela of woman with a spindle.Funerary stele of a wine merchant and wifeMaraş Stela, Berlin reliefLate Hittite stele. Maras XVIIMARAŞ 16


  • Türkei, Kahramanmaraş
  • geo:37.573738,36.892296
  • Lage unsicher

Period or year:

  • -8xx / unknown


  • Gräber oder Grabstätte
  • Sichtbar


  • vici:place=42191


Es gibt noch keine deutschsprachige Anmerkungen. Präsentiert wirden Anmerkungen auf English.

Stele of Tarhuntiwastis is a basalt funerary stele of Tarhuntiwastis, wife of Azinis according to the inscription. The late Hittite period stele dates to early 9th century BC. Relief portrays two women at the table. Two lines inscription. They are holding spindles and a mirror. Currently in: Archaeological Museum, Istanbul,Oriental Collection no.  7694. According W. Orthmann Maraş B/7.  Stele is  1,23 m high; 0,87 m wide.


  1. John David Hawkins: Corpus of hieroglyphic Luwian inscriptions. Vol 1. Inscriptions of the Iron Age. Part 1: Text: Introduction, Karatepe, Karkamiš, Tell Ahmar, Maraş, Malatya, Commagene. de Gruyter, Berlin 2000, pp. 273 ff.
  2. Winfried Orthmann: Untersuchungen zur späthethitischen Kunst. (= Saarbrücker Beiträge zur Altertumskunde Bd. 8) Habelt, Bonn 1971, pp. 85; 86; 101; 138; 204; 276; 367; 373; 376; 525; Taf. 45,a; 74,a

Stele of Tarhuntiwastis is a basalt funerary stele of Tarhuntiwastis, wife of Azinis according to the inscription. The late Hittite period stele dates to early 9th century BC. Relief portrays two women at the table. Two lines inscription. They are holding spindles and a mirror. Currently in: Archaeological Museum, Istanbul,Oriental Collection no.  7694. According W. Orthmann Maraş B/7.  Stele is  1,23 m high; 0,87 m wide.


  1. John David Hawkins: Corpus of hieroglyphic Luwian inscriptions. Vol 1. Inscriptions of the Iron Age. Part 1: Text: Introduction, Karatepe, Karkamiš, Tell Ahmar, Maraş, Malatya, Commagene. de Gruyter, Berlin 2000, pp. 273 ff.
  2. Winfried Orthmann: Untersuchungen zur späthethitischen Kunst. (= Saarbrücker Beiträge zur Altertumskunde Bd. 8) Habelt, Bonn 1971, pp. 85; 86; 101; 138; 204; 276; 367; 373; 376; 525; Taf. 45,a; 74,a

In der Nähe

Maraş Stela, Merchant`s Stele

Funerary stele of a merchant. Louvre.

Maraş Stela, Women with the vessels

İstanbul Archaeology Museum No. 12874.

Maraş Stele, Tarhunpias` Stela

Funerary Stela of Kahramanmaraş(previously Maraş)