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Les environs:

One of the rooms in Pergamum LibraryRemains of the Great Pergamum LibrarySanctuary of Athena PoliasTemenos AthenaTemenos AthenaAthenaPropylees, Temple of AthenaTemple of Athena, northern hall capitalPapageien, PergamonAkropolis TheaterThe Hellenistic theatre on the Upper Acropolis, ca. 225 -200 BCEntranceStatue, Temple of TrajanTemplum TraianiTrajan templeTemplum TraianiInscriptionThe Temple of Trajan (Trajaneum) on the Upper AcropolisTemple of TrajanTemple of TrajanTemple of TrajanTemple of TrajanTemplum Traiani - remainsCistern, Temple of TrajanTheatre PeramonRoman theatre in PergamonRoman theatre in PergamonRoman theatre in PergamonAra IovisAra Iovis


  • Turquie, Bergama
  • geo:39.132381,27.184767
  • Précision ± 0-5 m.


  • Camp fortifié
  • Visible


  • vici:place=42052


Il n'y a pas une annotation en français. Présenté est une annotation en Anglais.


  1. Torsten Zimmer,  The Basileia: The Palace District of Pergamon, in: F. Pirson – A. Scholl (eds.), Pergamon: Anadolu'da Hellenistik Bir Başkent / A Hellenistic Capital in Anatolia (Istanbul 2014)pp. 276–285 -


  1. Torsten Zimmer,  The Basileia: The Palace District of Pergamon, in: F. Pirson – A. Scholl (eds.), Pergamon: Anadolu'da Hellenistik Bir Başkent / A Hellenistic Capital in Anatolia (Istanbul 2014)pp. 276–285 -

Musées associés

Pergamon Museum

Pergamon Museum. Houses original-sized, reconstructed monumental buildings such as the Market Gate of Miletus.

À proximité

Pergamon, Altar Chamber

Altar Chamber with mosaics floor.

Pergamon, Altar Room

Altar room with mosaics floor

Pergamon, Palace

Palace in peristyl house shape.