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  • Pologne, Brachnówka
  • geo:53.147961,18.56823
  • Précision incertaine

Period or year:

  • -400 / 300


  • Tombeau ou tombes
  • Visible


  • vici:place=40337


Il n'y a pas une annotation en français. Présenté est une annotation en Anglais.

Brąchnówko cemetery was a cemetery of the Lusatian culture a.nd cloche graves from the Hallstatt period, located in the place of a settlement from the Funnel Beaker Culture periodLocation uncertain coordinates to the village of Brąchnówko. Artifacts from the Neolithic period found in the cemetery are in the collection of the District Museum in Toruń.


  1. A. Lissauer, 78 Die Hallstaetter Epoche, 12. Bruchnowko, Kr. Thorn. Die prähistorischen Denkmälern, 1888, s. 78

Brąchnówko cemetery was a cemetery of the Lusatian culture a.nd cloche graves from the Hallstatt period, located in the place of a settlement from the Funnel Beaker Culture periodLocation uncertain coordinates to the village of Brąchnówko. Artifacts from the Neolithic period found in the cemetery are in the collection of the District Museum in Toruń.


  1. A. Lissauer, 78 Die Hallstaetter Epoche, 12. Bruchnowko, Kr. Thorn. Die prähistorischen Denkmälern, 1888, s. 78

À proximité


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