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Garni, Urartaean InscriptionPalace of GarniGarni, Palace of TiridatesTemple of Garni, DecorationGarni, TempleTemple of GarniTemple of Garni, Lead and iron anchorTemple of GarniUrartaean inscriptionTemple of GarniTemple of GarniTemple of Garni, Entrance, LintelTemple of Garni, InteriorTemple of Garni, Interior, CeilingArmenia Garni sideTemple of Garni, DecorationTemple of Garni, DecorationTemple of Garni, CapitalHeating system of the baths at GarniHeating system of the baths at GarniAquatic deities on a mosaic from the baths at Garni; inscriptionAquatic deities on a mosaic from the baths at GarniMosaic from the baths at GarniMosaic from the baths at GarniGarni, baths mosaicGarni, Inscription of TiridatesInscription of TiridatesGarni, Christian chapel VI century


  • Armenien, Garrni
  • geo:40.112362,44.72971
  • Lage ± 0-5 m.

Period or year:

  • 600~ / 700~


  • Heiligtum
  • Sichtbar


  • vici:place=34980


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The St. Sion church of Garni  was built in 659. The erection of the church was  commissioned by Catholicos Nerses III the Builder.


  1. Garni 8: St. Sion “Mashtots Hairapet” Church -

The St. Sion church of Garni  was built in 659. The erection of the church was  commissioned by Catholicos Nerses III the Builder.


  1. Garni 8: St. Sion “Mashtots Hairapet” Church -

Church with four apses

In der Nähe

Garni, Urartaean Inscription

Garni, Urartaean Inscription

Garni, Palace of Tiridates

Garni, Palace of Tiridates

Garni Temple

Garni Temple