Les environs:

Karakabalı ChurchPaved Roman roadVilla RusticaVilla Rustica with isodomic wall constructionAncient RoadA villa rusticaeIsikkale ChurchIsikkale ChurchA sarcophagusRoman RoadYonuzluPitStelDoor lentil with Olba symbolsCult SiteSinekkaleSinekkaleSinekkaleSinekkaleSinekkaleSinekkale Villar RusticaeSinekkale Villar RusticaeThe Tomb of Fearless KingPaslı RuinsPaslı RuinsAllıören, olive oil workshop.Allıören, cistern.Polygonal, Hellenistic Walls of AllıörenThe Double Story MouseloumThe Lower Mausoleum


  • Turquie, Türkmenuşağı
  • geo:36.43084,34.017509
  • Précision ± 0-5 m.

Period or year:

  • 2xx? / unknown


  • Habitat rural
  • Visible


  • vici:place=34176


Il n'y a pas une annotation en français. Présenté est une annotation en Anglais.
  1. Ruined buildings of the settlement of the Roman Empire period, now known under the name Hıdırlı, stand just 2.5 km to the north of Kızkalesi, on the road to Cambazlı. The settlement was founded on the ancient Roman road connecting the Mediterranean coast with Olba and Diocaesarea. The settlement consisted of about 50 residential houses. An early Byzantine church stands in the centre of the village. It is a three-aisled basilica with a narthex in the west.
  1. Ruined buildings of the settlement of the Roman Empire period, now known under the name Hıdırlı, stand just 2.5 km to the north of Kızkalesi, on the road to Cambazlı. The settlement was founded on the ancient Roman road connecting the Mediterranean coast with Olba and Diocaesarea. The settlement consisted of about 50 residential houses. An early Byzantine church stands in the centre of the village. It is a three-aisled basilica with a narthex in the west.

À proximité



Karakabakli (1 km)


Işıkkale (1 km)

Early Christian three-nave basilica.