Les environs:

Castle of Peritheorio


  • Grèce, Amaxádes
  • geo:41.113396,25.092157
  • Précision ± 0-5 m.


  • Camp fortifié
  • Visible


  • vici:place=33123


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3 km long wall that served a dual purpose: on the one hand it blocked off the crossing between the walls of fortress and the mountain, controlling movement on the Via Egnatia, and on the other it served as an aqueduct, thus securing a supply of precious water from the Rhodope Mountains.

3 km long wall that served a dual purpose: on the one hand it blocked off the crossing between the walls of fortress and the mountain, controlling movement on the Via Egnatia, and on the other it served as an aqueduct, thus securing a supply of precious water from the Rhodope Mountains.

À proximité

Aqueduct of Anastasioupolis - Peritheorion

Aqueduct of Anastasioupolis - Peritheorion

Castle of Peritheorio (1 km)

Castle of Peritheorio

Anastasioupolis pier and coastline in the 5th century. (1 km)

Anastasioupolis pier and coastline