
Bishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram IBishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram I, BahramBishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram I, AhuramazdaBishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram IBishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram I, AhuramazdaBishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram I, BahramBishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram I, AhuramazdaBishapur, Relief VBishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram I, CydarisBishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram I, Inscription by king NarsehBishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram I, BahramBishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram I, Inscription by king NarsehBishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram I, Defeated enemy (addition by Narseh)Bishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram I, AhuramazdaBishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram IBishapur Relief III: victories of Shapur IBishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram IBishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram I, Defeated enemy (addition by Narseh)Bishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram IBishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram I, Defeated enemy (addition by Narseh)Bishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram I, Bahram's crownBishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram I, BahramBishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram I, Defeated enemy (addition by Narseh)Bishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram IBishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram IBishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram IBishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram I, Defeated enemy (addition by Narseh)Bishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram I, Defeated enemy (addition by Narseh)Bishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram I, Defeated enemy (addition by Narseh)Bishapur Relief V: investiture of Bahram I, Defeated enemy (addition by Narseh)


  • Iran, ‘Amū’ī
  • geo:29.781931,51.581978
  • Lage ± 0-5 m.


  • Weihaltar, Votivstein oder Relief
  • Sichtbar



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Relief VI: victories of Shapur II

Relief VI: victories of Shapur II

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