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Les environs:

Palmyra, Funerarry bust of Alas, son of AtenatanPalmyra, Funerary bust of a manPalmyra, Funerary bust of a manPalmyra Tomb PortraitPalmyra, Funerary bust of Ummayat, daughter of YarhaiPalmyra, Funerary bust of an ladyPalmyra, Sarcophagus of the three brothersPalmyra, Marble plate with funerary Palmyrene inscriptionPalmyra, Tomb three brothers interior, ceilingPalmyra, Funerary bust of a manPalmyra, Funerary bust of AteaqabPalmyra, Funerary bust of a manPalmyra, Funerary bust of a ladyPalmyra Tomb PortraitPalmyra, Funerary bust of Ummayat, daughter of Yarhai, explanationPalmyra, Funerary family busts with eaglePalmyra, Funerary busts of father and son with Palmyrene inscriptionPalmyra, Funerary bust of a ladyPalmyra, Tomb three brotherRemains of south wallpaintingPalmyra, Funerary bust of a ladyPalmyra, Funerary bust of Atenatan GuraiPalmyra, Funerary bust of a ladyPalmyra, Funerary bust of two man and a girlPalmyra, SarcophagusPalmyra, Funerary bust of Ouahballat, sun of OuahballatPalmyra, Funerary bust of a manPalmyra, Funerary bust of a ladyPalmyra, Funerary bust of a familyPalmyra, Funerary bust of a couplePalmyra, Head of king Odenaethus


  • Syrie, Tadmur
  • geo:34.552395,38.2575
  • Précision ± 0-5 m.


  • Tombeau ou tombes
  • Visible


  • vici:place=24632


Musées associés

Palmyra, archaeological museum

Archaeological Museum of the excavations in Palmyra

Istanbul Archaeology Museums

Istanbul Archaeology Museums

Belgrade, Kalemegdan Lapidarium

Small museum with some sculpture and inscriptions.

Berlin, Altes Museum

Berlin, Altes Museum

Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum in Mainz

Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum in Mainz

Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek

Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek

Bruxelles, Musées royaux d'art et d'histoire

Brussels, Koninklijke musea voor kunst en geschiedenis

Rijksmuseum van Oudheden

Zeer uitgebreide collectie met Romeinse voorwerpen.

Paris, Louvre

Paris, Louvre

Londre, The British Museum

The British Museum has one of the world's largest collections of antiquities from the Classical world.

À proximité

Valley of the Tombs

Valley of the Tombs

Tower of Kithoth, Palmyra

Funerary tower tomb.

Damascus Gate at Palmyra

Palmyra city gate