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Les environs:

Aphrodisias OdeonAltarTemple of AphroditeTemple of AphroditeTemple of AphroditeThe cult statue of goddess  AphroditeCorinthian Capital, AphrodisiasTetrapylonTetrapylonSouth AgoraSouth AgoraSouth Agora GameSouth Agora SteleHadrianic Baths, CaldariumHadrianic BathsHadrianic Baths, FrigidariumSebasteion, NikeSebasteion, Claudius BritanniaSebasteion, AresSebasteion, ZeusSebasteion, AeneasSebasteionSebasteion, GracesSebasteionSebasteion, HeraclesSebasteionSebasteion, LedaSebasteionSebasteion, PrometheusSebasteion


  • Turquie, Geyre
  • geo:37.709454,28.723406
  • Précision ± 0-5 m.


  • Atelier du travail
  • Visible


  • vici:place=24258


Il n'y a pas une annotation en français. Présenté est une annotation en Anglais.


  1. Ekrem Akurgal, Ancient Civilisations and Ruins of Turkey: From Prehistoric Times Until the End of the Roman Empir, II ed., Istanbul 1970, pp. 171-175
  2. George E. Bean, Turkey Beyond the Maeander. An Archaeological Guide, London Ernest Jersey 1971, p. 221-231


  1. Ekrem Akurgal, Ancient Civilisations and Ruins of Turkey: From Prehistoric Times Until the End of the Roman Empir, II ed., Istanbul 1970, pp. 171-175
  2. George E. Bean, Turkey Beyond the Maeander. An Archaeological Guide, London Ernest Jersey 1971, p. 221-231

À proximité

Bouleuterion - Aphrodisias

Bouleuterion - Aphrodisias

Aphrodisias, Basilica

Civil Basilica