
Tyre City Square ArenaTyre City Mosaic RoadTyre City Mosaic ByzantineTyre City BathsTyre City BathsTyre City Octagonal BuildingTyre City PalaestraTyre. Stele of Ramesses IITyre Al Bass Cemetery GateTyre Al Bass Cemetery GateTyre Al Bass HippodromeTyre Al Bass Hippodrome ClubhouseTyre Al Bass HippodromeTyre Al Bass HippodromeTyre Al Bass HippodromeTyre Al Bass CemeteryTyre Al Bass CemeteryTyre Al Bass CemeteryThrone of Ishtar


  • Libanon, Tyre
  • geo:33.271137,35.198895
  • Lage ± 0-5 m.

Period or year:

  • -400~ / unknown


  • Militärturm
  • Sichtbar


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Byzantine tower and wellhouse.

Also called tomb of Hiram, dated from Persian times

Byzantine tower and wellhouse.

Also called tomb of Hiram, dated from Persian times

In der Nähe

Tyre, Quarry

Limestone quarry.

Tyre, octagonal building

Unidentified purpose and age

Tyre, Alexander's Mole

Alexander's Mole