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Les environs:

Chora - ChurchChora - ChurchChora - ChurchChora -St. Paul - mosaicChora - Church - apseChora - Church - paintingsKariye Kilisesi - ChoraChora - Church - paintingsKariye Kilisesi - ChoraChora - Church - paintingsKariye Kilisesi - ChoraChora - Church - paintingsKariye Kilisesi - ChoraChora - Church - paintingsChora - Church - paintingsCistern of AetiusCistern of AetiusPalace of the PorphyrogenitusPalace of the PorphyrogenitusPalace of the PorphyrogenitusSea Walls - Surviving SectionUzunköprülü Ali Efendi ÇeşmesiCistern of AsparCistern of AsparCistern of AsparPedestal, Column of of MarcianPedestal, Column of of MarcianColumn of MarcianCapital, Column of MarcianColumn of Marcian, Constantinople


  • Turquie, Istanbul
  • geo:41.030296,28.935814
  • Précision ± 0-5 m.


  • Bâtiment
  • Visible


  • vici:place=20330


Il n'y a pas une annotation en français. Présenté est une annotation en Anglais.

City Gate

City Gate

À proximité

Chora - Church of the Holy Saviour - Istambul

Originally built as part of a monastery complex outside the walls of Constantinople, in the early 5th century

Cistern of Aetius

Cistern of Aetius