Les environs:

Complex af ancient buildings beneath San LorenzoCavea del teatro romano di NeapolisTheatreDomus (Complex of Carminiello ai Mannesi) robmortlogoutGrafmonument Gneo Pompeo EufrosinoGreek wallsGreek City WallsAncient Greek Walls of NeapolisAncient Greek Walls of NeapolisAncient Greek Walls of NeapolisTowerAncient Greek Gate of Neapolis (Porta Furcillensis)Access staircaseAmbulacrumFloor of the ambulacrumBack wall of the porticoBase of the templeArchitectural fragments from the templeRoman Thermal bathsAqua Augusta ArchesRoman Thermal bathssan gaudiosoport areaRoman BridgeCatacombe di San GennaroCatacombe di San GennaroCatacombe di San GennaroCatacombe di San GennaroVilla of LucullusPalaepolis walls


  • Italie, Naples
  • geo:40.85144,14.25683
  • Précision ± 0-5 m.


  • Sanctuaire
  • Visible


  • vici:place=19793


Il n'y a pas une annotation en français. Présenté est une annotation en Anglais.

Temple of the Dioscuri, nowadays San Paolo Maggiore. The church was built upon the ruins of that temple. The church occupied the area behind the temple's pronaos. The front section of the latter, including six columns and triangular tympanum, was visibile until 1688, when it was destroyed by an earthquake. The current church includes two corinthian columns from the ancient edifice. They stand awkwardly in front, linked by a fragile beam projecting from the facade1.


  1. Wikipedia: San Paolo Maggiore

Temple of the Dioscuri, nowadays San Paolo Maggiore. The church was built upon the ruins of that temple. The church occupied the area behind the temple's pronaos. The front section of the latter, including six columns and triangular tympanum, was visibile until 1688, when it was destroyed by an earthquake. The current church includes two corinthian columns from the ancient edifice. They stand awkwardly in front, linked by a fragile beam projecting from the facade1.


  1. Wikipedia: San Paolo Maggiore

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