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Les environs:

Brown Dikes Temporary CampRoman FortMithraeumAltar dedicated to Mithras Cohort I BatavorumAltar dedicated to Mithras by M. Simplicius Simplex praefectMother goddess found in MithraeumMithraeum on Hadrian's WallAltar dedicated to Mithras by Cohort I BatavorumAltar to local gods by Cohort II NerviansTombstone for unknown, son of Milenus, Cohort I BatavorumHead of a bearded manRelief of 3 water nymphsAltar with nymphs, genii, Cohort I BatavorumTombstone of a standard-bearerAltar dedicated to Covventine by Cohort I BatavorumTombstone of a standard-bearerTombstone of a standard-bearerAltar erected by Cohort I BatavorumBrocolitia FortTombstone for trumpeter of Cohort I BatavorumCoesike East Temporary CampGrindon School Temporary CampMilecastle 30 (Limestone Corner)Limestone Corner Temporary CampNewbrough Roman FortWalwick Fell Temporary CampMilecastle 36 (King s Hill)KBGKBGRuins of granaries (horrea)


  • Royaume-Uni, Grindon
  • geo:55.032505,-2.250374
  • Précision ± 25-100 m.


  • Tour de guet
  • Invisible




Musées associés

Housesteads Museum

Housesteads Roman Fort Museum

Chesters Roman Fort Museum

Chesters Roman Fort Museum

Great North Museum: Hancock

Great North Museum: Hancock

Alnwick Castle

Alnwick Castle and museum.

À proximité

Milecastle 32 (Carraw)

A milecastle situated on Hadrian's Wall.

Turret 32B (Brown Moor)

A turret situated on Hadrian's Wall.

Brown Dikes Temporary Camp

Brown Dikes Temporary Camp