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  • Bulgarie, Marchevo
  • geo:41.595478,23.796635
  • Précision ± 0-5 m.

Period or year:

  • 1xx / unknown


  • Ville
  • Visible



Il n'y a pas une annotation en français. Présenté est une annotation en Anglais.

.Nicopolis as Nestum is a late-antique settlement on the territory of the village of Garmen in Markov Chiflik and Hisarlaka areas (7 km east of town of Gotse Delchev). This is one of the few preserved fortified towns in Bulgaria.The town was founded near the Nestos river (today`s Mesta), by the roman emperor Trayan in the second half of the 1th century, and was inhabited for over 14 centuries. Nowadays the archaeologists have studied territory of about 13 hectares. They found fragments of a bas-relief of the Thracian rider, a statue of Hermes, an old-Christian tombstone, more than 95 golden and about 22 other coins, glass and bronze vessels and pottery, golden ring, etc. Two Early Christian basilicas dated to 4th century were found near the fortified town, both of them having mosaic floors, and geometrical, plants and animal paintings, and have probably been a part of the complex. The altar table, found in fragments, is made of white marble with good polished surface, p. 234

.Nicopolis as Nestum is a late-antique settlement on the territory of the village of Garmen in Markov Chiflik and Hisarlaka areas (7 km east of town of Gotse Delchev). This is one of the few preserved fortified towns in Bulgaria.The town was founded near the Nestos river (today`s Mesta), by the roman emperor Trayan in the second half of the 1th century, and was inhabited for over 14 centuries. Nowadays the archaeologists have studied territory of about 13 hectares. They found fragments of a bas-relief of the Thracian rider, a statue of Hermes, an old-Christian tombstone, more than 95 golden and about 22 other coins, glass and bronze vessels and pottery, golden ring, etc. Two Early Christian basilicas dated to 4th century were found near the fortified town, both of them having mosaic floors, and geometrical, plants and animal paintings, and have probably been a part of the complex. The altar table, found in fragments, is made of white marble with good polished surface, p. 234

À proximité

Nicopolis as Nestum, Stele

Grave stele with portraits and the Thracian Horseman, nowadays in Sofia

Roman Rd

Roman Rd