Les environs:

Apamea, Theodoros mosaic from synagogueTemple of the TycheApamea, Mosaic with panther attacking oryx from colonnadeApamea, Colonnaded streetApamea, Remains of the colonnaded street, archApamea, Colonnaded streetColonnaded street, ApameaApamea, Remains of the colonnaded streetApamea, Colonnaded streetApamea, Remains of the colonnaded street and remains of torded columnsApamea, Remains of the colonnaded streetApamea, Colonnaded street with distorded columnApamea, Remains of the colonnaded streetColonnaded street, ApameaApamea, Remains of the colonnaded street, wall dooropening and windowApamea, Colonnaded streetApamea, Remains of the colonnaded street and remains of torded columnsApamea, Remains of the colonnaded street, corinthian capitalsApamea, Colonnaded street with distorded columnApamea, Remains of the colonnaded street, wall dooropening and windowColonnaded street, ApameaApamea, Remains of the colonnaded streetApamea, Colonnaded streetApamea, Remains of the colonnaded street, corinthian capitalsApamea, Colonnaded street, column baseApamea, Remains of the colonnaded street, wall dooropening and windowColonnaded street, ApameaApamea, Remains of the colonnaded street, temple front with tympanonApamea, Colonnaded streetApamea, Remains of the colonnaded street


  • Syrie, Qal‘at al Maḑīq
  • geo:35.419136,36.400997
  • Précision exacte

Period or year:

  • -300 /


  • Ville
  • Visible


Il n'y a pas une annotation en français. Présenté est une annotation en Anglais.



  2. Marek Titien Olszewski, Houmam Saad, "Pella-Apamée sur l'Oronte et ses héros fondateurs à la lumière d’une source historique inconnue: une mosaïque d’Apamée", in: M. P. Castiglioni, R. Carboni, M. Giuman, H. Bernier-Farella (eds.), Héros fondateurs et identités communautaires dans l’Antiquité, entre mythe, rite et politique, Morlacchi University Press, Padoue, pp. 365–416



  2. Marek Titien Olszewski, Houmam Saad, "Pella-Apamée sur l'Oronte et ses héros fondateurs à la lumière d’une source historique inconnue: une mosaïque d’Apamée", in: M. P. Castiglioni, R. Carboni, M. Giuman, H. Bernier-Farella (eds.), Héros fondateurs et identités communautaires dans l’Antiquité, entre mythe, rite et politique, Morlacchi University Press, Padoue, pp. 365–416

Hellenistic city

Musées associés

Apamea Museum

Apamea Museum

Bruxelles, Musées royaux d'art et d'histoire

Brussels, Koninklijke musea voor kunst en geschiedenis

À proximité

Temple of the Tyche - Apamea

Temple of the Tyche - Apamea

Temple of Zeus Belos - Apamea

Temple of Zeus Belos - Apamea

Apamea, Nympheum

Remains of nympheum