Les environs:

Gerasa,  Interior of the cathedralGerasa,  Interior of the cathedralGerasa,  Interior of the cathedralGerasa,  Entrance of the cathedralGerasa,  Cathedral, Greek inscriptionGerasa,  Cathedral, Greek inscriptionGerasa,  Cathedral, Greek inscriptionGerasa,  Remains of church of the saints Cosmas and Damianus, MosaicRemains of the apse.Gerasa,  Remains of church of the saints Cosmas and Damianus, MosaicGerasa,  Remains of church of the saints Cosmas and Damianus, ColumnsSts. Cosmas and Damian's ChurchMosaic floor in the church.Gerasa,  Remains of church of the saints Cosmas and Damianus, ColumnsGerasa,  Remains of church of the saints Cosmas and Damianus, InteriorSts. Cosmas and Damian's ChurchRemains of the apse.Mosaic floor in the church.Gerasa,  Remains of church of the saints Cosmas and Damianus, ColumnsGerasa,  Remains of church of the saints Cosmas and Damianus, Interior with mosaic floorMosaic floor in the church.Mosaic floor in the church.Gerasa,  Remains of church of the saints Cosmas and Damianus, MosaicGerasa,  Remains of church of the saints Cosmas and Damianus, Interior with mosaic floorMosaic floor in the church.Mosaic floor in the church.Gerasa,  Remains of church of the saints Cosmas and Damianus, Inscription in mosaic floorGerasa,  Remains of church of the saints Cosmas and Damianus, Inscription in mosaic floorMosaic floor in the church.Remains of the wall.


  • Jordanie, Jarash
  • geo:32.281975,35.890835
  • Précision ± 0-5 m.


  • Sanctuaire
  • Visible




  1. Iain Browning, Jerash and the Decapolis. 1982, pp. diff.

Musées associés

Archeologisch museum van Amman

Het oude archeologische museum van Jordanië.

Amman, Jordan Museum

The new historical museum of Jordan; substantial archaeological collection.

À proximité

Gerasa (Jerash)

Modern reconstruction of the method of extraction and processing of stones used in the construction of the city of Jerash.

Synagoge - Church

Building converted in the IIrd century into synagogue. In the VIth century church was built above synagogue.

Gerasa, Temple of Artemis, Inscription of IIII Scythica

Gerasa, Temple of Artemis, Inscription of IIII Scythica