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Iran_Susiana_Unidentified (Seyyed Karam) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Unidentified (Hormozīn) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Anonymous (KS-11) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Unidentified (Jarīyeh Seyyed Karm) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Unidentified (Chīchālī Do) - CORONA imageryTappeh Senjar (KS-07) - CORONA ImageryIran_Susiana_Anonymous (KS-15) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Anonymous (KS-010) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Unidentified (Shahīd Majīdīgāh) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Anonymous (KS-17) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Tappeh Saiyeh (KS-08) - CORONA imagerySāleh Dāvood - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Unidentified (Gonjeh) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Anonymous (KS-012) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Tepe Tula'i (?) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Unidentified (Khārkū) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Unidentified (Dezfūl) - CORONA imageryIwan-e Karkheh, Southeastern enclosureIwan-e Karkheh, WallIwan-e Karkheh, Southeastern enclosureIwan-e Karkheh, SherdIwan-e Karkheh, Southwestern enclosureIwan-e Karkheh, WallIwan-e Karkheh, Southwestern enclosureIwan-e Karkheh, Northern enclosureIwan-e Karkheh, Southern enclosureIwan-e Karkheh, Southeastern enclosureIwan-e Karkheh, Southeastern enclosureIwan-e Karkheh, Southeastern enclosureIwan-e Karkheh, Bricks


  • Iran (Islamic Republic of), Seyyed Karam
  • geo:32.328308,48.205158
  • Location ± 0-5 m.


  • Archaeological observation
  • invisible


  • vici:place=86499



Unidentified site

Probable settlement. Located with satellite imagery. Build upon, but better visible on CORONA imagery.

Anonymous settlement (KS-762)

Seleuco-Parthian and Terminal Parthian settlement. Destroyed by modern agriculture.

Unidentified site (1 km)

Probable settlement. Single-mound destroyed by modern agriculture, but visible on CORONA imagery.

This object was added by Julien De Chocqueuse on 2023-05-21. Last update by Julien De Chocqueuse on 2023-05-21. Persistent URI: . Download as RDF/XML, GeoJSON, KML.
Annotation available using the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. Metadata available using the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication, unless it is explicitly stated otherwise. partners: articles on ancient history   Rijksmuseum van Oudheden