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Iran_Susiana_Unidentified (Medieval Karkhah ?) - CORONA imageryIshan Al Aswad (KS-239 and WK-157) - CORONA ImageryIwan-e Karkheh, Southeastern enclosureIwan-e Karkheh, BricksIwan-e Karkheh, Southeastern enclosureIwan-e Karkheh, BuildingIwan-e Karkheh, Southeastern enclosureIwan-e Karkheh, BuildingIwan-e Karkheh, Southeastern enclosureIwan-e Karkheh, WallIwan-e Karkheh, Southeastern enclosureIwan-e Karkheh, SherdIwan-e Karkheh, Southwestern enclosureIwan-e Karkheh, WallIwan-e Karkheh, Southwestern enclosureIwan-e Karkheh, Northern enclosureIwan-e Karkheh, Southern enclosureIwan-e Karkheh, Southeastern enclosureIwan-e Karkheh, Southeastern enclosureIran_Susiana_Ivan-e-Karkeh West building - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Unidentified (Jarīyeh Seyyed Karm) - CORONA imagerySāleh Dāvood - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Ivan-e-Karkeh northern suburb - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Unidentified (Chīchālī Do) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Unidentified (Hormozīn) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Unidentified (Seyyed Karam) - CORONA imageryAnonymous site (KS-238) - CORONA ImageryIran_Susiana_Unidentified (Shahīd Majīdīgāh) - CORONA imagery


  • Iran (Islamic Republic of), Dehestān-e Fatḩ ol Mobīn
  • geo:32.305325,48.133999
  • Location ± 0-5 m.


  • Archaeological observation
  • visible


  • vici:place=86395



Unidentified site (medieval Karkah?)

Large Sasanian and medieval Islamic settlement. Badly damaged by modern human activities, but better visible on CORONA imagery.

Tepe Soreh Salj Mushatt

Sasanian and medieval settlement (cluster of mounds). Probable industrial area south-east of Ivan-e Karkeh.

Ishan Al Aswad (KS-239 and WK-157) (1 km)

Late-Middle Susiana, Late Susiana 1 and 2, Terminakl Susa I, Susa II and III, and Old Elamite settlement (1,5 ha). Eastern side largely eroded ; southern and western portions destroyed by modern agriculture.

This object was added by Julien De Chocqueuse on 2023-05-19. Last update by Julien De Chocqueuse on 2023-05-19. Persistent URI: . Download as RDF/XML, GeoJSON, KML.
Annotation available using the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. Metadata available using the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication, unless it is explicitly stated otherwise. partners: articles on ancient history   Rijksmuseum van Oudheden