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Iran_Susiana_Anonymous (KS-072) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Anonymous (KS-285) - CORONA ImageryIran_Susiana_Unidentified (Alī Akbar) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Anonymous (KS-065) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Unidentified (Alī Akbar 2) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Anonymous (KS-067) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Anonymous (KS-61) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Anonymous (KS-064) - CORONA ImageryIran_Susiana_Unidentified (Naser) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Anonymous (KS-054) - CORONA ImageryIran_Susiana_Anonymous (KS-60) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Anonymous (KS-035) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Anonymous (KS-071) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Anonymous (KS-48) - CORONA imageryIran_Susiana_Unidentified (Shahīd Bāhonar) - CORONA imageryTikni, Royal tombTikni, Funerary maskTikni, Funerary maskTikni, Funerary maskTikni, Funerary maskTikni, Funerary maskVaulted Tikni, Funerary maskTikni, Great hallGreat hallTikni, ExcavationTikni, Elamite potteryTikni, General viewTikni, Elamite cuneiform tabletTikni, Statue of a bull


  • Iran (Islamic Republic of), Ḩorr-e Rīāḩī
  • geo:32.137337,48.368202
  • Location ± 0-5 m.

Period or year:

  • -47xx / -42xx


  • Rural settlement
  • visible


  • vici:place=86276


Relevant museums

Susa, Archaeological Museum

Susa, Archaeological Museum


Anonymous settlement (KS-72)

Susa I and possible Susa III settlement (1,6 ha). At the center of a larger cluster of mounds, now destroyed, but visible on CORONA imagery.

Anonymous settlement (KS-073) (1 km)

Late Susiana I, and Susa I settlement (0,7 ha).

Anonymous settlement (KS-285) (1 km)

Late Susiana I (?), Susa I (?), Terminal Susa I and early & middle Uruk settlement (0,3 ha). Single-mound site destroyed by modern agriculture, but visible on CORONA imagery.

This object was added by Julien De Chocqueuse on 2023-05-11. Last update by Julien De Chocqueuse on 2023-05-20. Persistent URI: . Download as RDF/XML, GeoJSON, KML.
Annotation available using the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. Metadata available using the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication, unless it is explicitly stated otherwise. partners: articles on ancient history   Rijksmuseum van Oudheden