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Uzunköprülü Ali Efendi ÇeşmesiCistern of AsparCistern of AsparCistern of AsparSea Walls - Surviving SectionCistern of AetiusCistern of AetiusKariye Kilisesi - ChoraChora - Church - paintingsKariye Kilisesi - ChoraChora - Church - paintingsKariye Kilisesi - ChoraChora - Church - paintingsChora - Church - paintingsChora - ChurchChora - ChurchChora - ChurchChora -St. Paul - mosaicChora - Church - apseChora - Church - paintingsKariye Kilisesi - ChoraChora - Church - paintingsPalace of the PorphyrogenitusPalace of the PorphyrogenitusPalace of the PorphyrogenitusColumn of Marcian, ConstantinopleColumn of Marcian, ConstantinoplePedestal, Column of of MarcianPedestal, Column of of MarcianPedestal, Column of of Marcian


  • Türkiye, Istanbul
  • geo:41.02919,28.949377
  • Location ± 0-5 m.

Period or year:

  • 1xxx? / unknown


  • Temple or sanctuary
  • visible


  • vici:place=74471


St. Mary of the Mongols or Panagia Mouchliotissa. The derivation of its name has caused some confusion; some believing it came with the inhabitants of Mouclion in the Mistra who moved here in the 13th C, others that it is a Greek transliteration of the Slavonic Mogyla. However, as Maria, daughter of Michael VIII Paleologus was married off to the Khan of the Mongols it is probably literal. She returned after living at the Mongol court in Persia for 15 years and on her return founded the church and convent in the 1280’s on the site of an earlier foundation dedicated to the Theotokos Panagiotissa. After 1453, it remained in Orthodox hands as a gift of the Sultans.


Uzunköprülü Ali Efendi Çeşmesi

Uzunköprülü Ali Efendi Çeşmesi

Church of Theotokas

Church of Theotokas

This object was added by Ludwinski on 2021-12-30. Last update by Ludwinski on 2021-12-30. Persistent URI: . Download as RDF/XML, GeoJSON, KML.
Annotation available using the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. Metadata available using the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication, unless it is explicitly stated otherwise. partners: articles on ancient history   Rijksmuseum van Oudheden