
Susa, Temple of the ŠutrukidsSusa, Proto-Elamite reliefSusa, Dynastic Temple of the Šutrukids, Relief of the godsSusa, Achaemenid Palace, Glazed relief of a soldier (Susa, Bitumen vesselSusa, Parthian coffinSusa, Achaemenid Palace, Glazed relief of four soldiers (Susa, Apadana, Foundation tablet of Darius (DSf)Susa, Proto-Elamite inscriptionSusa, Achaemenid Palace, Glazed lions' reliefSusa, Early Elamite gobletSusa, Sumerian writing exerciseSusa, Kudurru of Mel-Shipak documenting a land donation, brought to Susa from BabyloniaSusa, Statue of a praying man offering a goatSusa, Parthian inscriptionSusa, Middle-Elamite basrelief of warrior godsSusa, Cuneiform tabletSusa, Dynastic Temple of the Šutrukids, InscriptionSusa, Achaemenid Palace, Glazed relief of two soldiers (Susa, Bitumen vesselSusa, Parthian jarSusa, Achaemenid Palace, Glazed relief of two soldiers (Susa, Apadana, Foundation tablet of Darius (DSf)Susa, Victory stele of Sargon of AkkadSusa, Acropolis, DonjonSusa, Achaemenid Palace, Glazed lions' reliefSusa, Model of a workshopSusa, Achaemenid Palace, Glazed relief of a soldier (Susa, Kudurru of Mel-Shipak documenting a land donation, brought to Susa from BabyloniaSusa, Achaemenid administrative document


  • Iran (Islamic Republic of), Shūsh
  • geo:32.190315,48.247009
  • Location ± 0-5 m.


  • Museum
  • visible


  • vici:place=55318


There is no English annotation yet. Presented is an annotation in Dutch.

Susa, Archaeologists' castle, built in 1885

Susa, Archaeologists' castle, built in 1885


Battle of Susa in 647 BC.

Ashurbanipal's brutal campaign against Susa in 647 BC and destruction of Elamite city.

Susa, Archaeological Museum

Susa, Archaeological Museum

Munnabittu kudurru of Marduk-apla-iddina I

The Land grant to Munnabittu kudurru.

This object was added by Jona Lendering on 2018-07-25. Last update by Jona Lendering on 2018-07-25. Persistent URI: . Download as RDF/XML, GeoJSON, KML.
Annotation available using the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. Metadata available using the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication, unless it is explicitly stated otherwise. partners: articles on ancient history   Rijksmuseum van Oudheden