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Hamzan TepeEdessa - citadelEdessa - citadelEdessa - citadelEdessa - citadelFishponds of AbrahamSt. James Monastery, UrfaUrfa man - Balıklıgöl statueUrfa man - Balıklıgöl statueKızılkoyun necropolisEdessa AqueductMilet BridgeEdessa - Urfa


  • Türkiye, Konuklu
  • geo:37.119068,38.847656
  • Location ± 0-5 m.

Period or year:

  • -1237 / unknown


  • Site of historic event
  • visible


  • vici:place=49936


Battle of Nihriya in 1237 BC was a battle between  Assyria and the Hittite Empire - Tudḫalia IV (r. c. 1237-1209 BC) and Tukulti-

ninurta(r. 1243-1207 BC). Resulted in Assyrian victory.


  1. Trevor Bryce: The ‘Eternal Treaty’ from the Hittite perspective, 2006, pp.3-4 -
  2. Jürgen Seeher, Chronology in Hattuta: New Approaches to an Old Problem, in: Mielke, Schoop, Seeher (ed.), Structuring and Dating in Hittite Archaeology. BYZAS 4 (2006), pp. 197-213


Gürcütepe II

Late Pre Pottery Neolithic B settlement .

Siege of Edessa in 1144 (5 km)

November 28 to December 24, 1144

Battle of Edessa (260 AD) (5 km)

The Battle of Edessa took place between the armies of the Roman Empire under the command of Emperor Valerian and Sasanian forces under Shahanshah Shapur I in 260. The Roman army was defeated and captured in its entirety by the Persian forces.

This object was added by Elżbieta on 2018-02-21. Last update by Elżbieta on 2020-12-20. Persistent URI: . Download as RDF/XML, GeoJSON, KML.
Annotation available using the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. Metadata available using the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication, unless it is explicitly stated otherwise. partners: articles on ancient history   Rijksmuseum van Oudheden