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Grand, Thermae, Astrological tabletsGrand, Thermae, Astrological tabletsGrand, Thermae, ShoesGrand, Thermae, ShoesGrand, Thermae, Astrological tabletsGrand, Water conduct in eastern bathsGrand, Thermae, Astrological tabletsAstrological tabletGrand, Thermae, ShoesGrand, Thermae, Frieze with tritonGrand Jardin, graffitoThe site of the Temple of Apollo Grannus, Roman Grand (Andesina), FranceGrand, Temple of Apollo Grannus, PropyleesGrand, SurroundingsGrand, SurroundingsGrand, SurroundingsGrand, SurroundingsThermes de l'amphithéâtreTritonGrand, Former gate of amphitheaterAndesina (Grand), AmphitheaterGrand, Entrance to amphitheaterAndesina (Grand), AmphitheaterGrand, Amphitheater, Relief with AtlasThe Roman Amphitheatre, Roman Grand (Andesina)Grand, Amphitheater, CapitalThe Roman Amphitheatre, Roman Grand (Andesina)Grand, Amphitheater, GameThe Roman Amphitheatre, Roman Grand (Andesina)Grand, Remains of amphitheater


  • France, Grand
  • geo:48.388374,5.482641
  • Location ± 0-5 m.


  • Archaeological observation
  • visible


  • vici:place=49864


There is no English annotation yet. Presented is an annotation in Dutch.

Crop marks of a Roman settlement

Crop marks of a Roman settlement

Relevant museums

Site gallo-romain de Grand

Site gallo-romain de Grand


Grand, "Voie close"

Ancient pomerium

ANDESINA aqueduct

ANDESINA aqueduct

This object was added by Jona Lendering on 2018-02-19. Last update by Jona Lendering on 2018-02-19. Persistent URI: . Download as RDF/XML, GeoJSON, KML.
Annotation available using the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. Metadata available using the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication, unless it is explicitly stated otherwise. partners: articles on ancient history   Rijksmuseum van Oudheden