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S. Maria di Flumentepido


  • Italien, Bacu Abis
  • geo:39.231945,8.450556
  • Lage ± 0-5 m.


  • Weihaltar, Votivstein oder Relief
  • Sichtbar


  • vici:place=44067


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The Murru Moi Stone Circle located ca 350 m SE to the Nuraghe Muromoi is  in poor condioin. It is ca 10 m of the inner diameter. The south facing entrance consisted of a corridor formed of two boulders placed on both sides is 30 m wide.

The Murru Moi Stone Circle located ca 350 m SE to the Nuraghe Muromoi is  in poor condioin. It is ca 10 m of the inner diameter. The south facing entrance consisted of a corridor formed of two boulders placed on both sides is 30 m wide.

In der Nähe

Nuraghe Muromoi

Nuraghe Muromoi

Serra Maverru Necropolis

Prehistoric necropolis of Serra Maverru

Nuraghe Murru Moi

Nuraghe Murru Moi